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Munksjö donates over 10,000 euros to social causes as part of Tour DeCore, our health & well-being initiative among employees

This year, all Munksjö’s employees were challenged to cover 17,800 kms in 35 days, surpassing the results of Tour DeCore’s 2023 edition. Also, this time, the initiative promoted a collective impact, as all employees ran, walked, cycled, and even swan for a social cause.

Munksjö employees’ teams up for Tour DeCore fourth edition

For every kilometer covered, Munksjö would donate 0,30 euros to support the rebuilding of Ukraine. If our team achieved 17,800 kms in 35 days, the company would also donate an additional 5,000 euros to a second social cause chosen by them.

Our team exceeded the goal by reaching 19,644 kilometers at the end of the 35-day challenge! The second chosen cause was supporting the Rio Grande do Sul state, in Brazil, which was devastated by recent floods.


Meet the organizations awarded with the donations:

URenew is a philanthropic platform dedicated to rebuilding and revitalizing small communities in Ukraine, Kyiv region, affected by war. URenew team works in accordance with the best urban development practices and sustainability requirements. They ensure long-term community development by boosting high quality medical, educational and cultural services, and an inclusive environment.

With this contribution, Munksjö also became is the main sponsor of the URnew Urban Hackathon prize in the Byshiv community, an open competition of project ideas for the community development.

The goal is to find project ideas that will become the basis of their community development, such as improving infrastructure, developing social and communal services, energy efficiency, ecology, health care, job creation, etc. The Urban Hackathon was held on July 18-19 and the winning projects announced on July 26.

ACNUR supports the response to this climate catastrophe by helping the affected population with emergency needs and re-constructing communities. The emergency response includes the distribution of basic necessities to Brazilians and refugees, including mattresses, blankets, and hygiene kits, in addition to financial aid for refugee families. Focusing on reconstruction, they provide psychosocial support and support for economic recovery.

Since the onset of the floods, ACNUR has been in communication with partners on the ground in Rio Grande do Sul to understand the scale of the devastation and the response needed. Following the government’s request for assistance, ACNUR immediately mobilized staff and core relief items to support the response.

As soon as weather conditions allowed, ACNUR sent a multi-functional team to the disaster areas to coordinate the response with authorities and other stakeholders, to receive relief items dispatched from its warehouses in Brazil, Panama and Colombia, and to provide technical assistance in site planning and camp coordination and camp management (CCCM), registration and documentation, helping ensure that protection was mainstreamed through all the aspects of the response.

„Thank you to our incredible team! It is really impressive to see how the dedication of our employees during the Tour DeCore 2024 has made a significant impact this year. Together, we surpassed our target, contributing somehow to the rebuilding efforts in Ukraine and Brazil. The engagement and efforts of our people demonstrate the power of unity and the spirit of giving“, appreciates Anders Falkeström, Group Deputy CEO.


Well done, but the challenge will continue.
Our team is ready and looking forward to the next Tour DeCore!

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